Wednesday 22 June 2011

8 Odd Discovery in The World

Science gives us knowledge and understanding, which raises the power. On the other hand, religion equip people with the means to become wise, which then grow the controls. That was a sober interpretation of the quote Martin Luther King, Jr. for pleasantries. The following are the findings of the most public attention during 2010 according to the National Geographic site.


This tube-nosed fruit-eating bats. Beast called "Bat Yoda" This is one of about 200 species encountered during two scientific expeditions to Papua New Guinea in 2009. Although already known on previous expeditions, this bat species has not been formally documented as a new species, yet no name. In the expedition discovered 24 frog species, two mammal, and nearly one hundred new insects.

STRANGE FISH in Greenland

Form like an alien from fiction films. This is a brand-new fish species recently discovered in the waters of Greenland. They grow up to 6.7 inches (17 centimeters) in length and is one of 38 species of fish found around the Arctic islands.


The universe we may be in a black hole that was part of a larger universe. In theory, all black holes are found so far from the microscopic to the macroscopic is probably the gateway to another reality or universe. According to some theories, black hole is actually a tunnel between antarsemesta. The material is sucked up the black hole is not destroyed as was previously thought, but to gush out of the "white hole" in the universe another black hole.


Hundreds of circles, squares and other geometric forms, which had been hidden in the Amazon, now known as relics of an ancient society that was previously unknown. Satellite imagery has been photographing this area since 1999 and reveals more than 200 dykes geometric covering an area of ​​more than 155 miles (250 kilometers).


It is a strange fish, which uses fins to walk, not for swimming. Pink fish is one of nine new species of the family handfish. Determination of a new species based on several factors, including the amount of bone and fins, color, presence of scales and spines, and body size are proportional. Even among other species has ever known, the fish runs are not many, so very little is known about the biological structure and behavior.


This is evidence of evolutionary transition from reptiles to mammals. According to one study, there was a species of Australian lizards that do not lay eggs. Along the coastal lowlands bercuaca warm in New South Wales, lizards usually lay eggs to reproduce offspring. However, there are the same species living in cold mountainous plateau in the berkembak reproduce by giving birth like mammals.


In 2008 scientists discovered hundreds of clusters of galaxies moving in the same direction dengak speeds of more than 2.2 million miles (3.6 million kilometers) per hour. This mysterious movement can not be explained. Thus, the researchers suspect that the clusters were being pulled by gravity from the material beyond the universe that have been detected.


Earthquake in Chile in February 2010 and reportedly was so strong that could shift the earth's axis and shorten the cycle of day. An earthquake measuring 8.8 magnitude which accelerates the rotation of the earth is the fifth most powerful and managed to shorten the day on Earth for 1.26 million trillionth of a second. This figure is derived from computer calculations by geophysicists from NASA, Richard Gross.

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